About this location...

Everything you wanted to know about 928 Homer Street including:

  • nearby transit stations (24) and stops (225)
  • nearby schools (77) and parks (59)
  • other nearby addresses
  • A video of this property (usually prepared for a home listing) (nice touch)
  • and streetview imagery (if available)
We've also provided a ton of maps and even larger maps.

Video of 928 Homer Street

Title: $1650/m rent - 1510-928 Homer Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 1T7 [A61620]
Published: February 26, 2016
Last Updated: February 26, 2016
Videos provided by youtube

Nearby Schools

A scholar's delight - 77 schools are within 5km

Canada Capstone College  (683ft)
EF International Language Centre Vancouver  (0.2mi)
Pattison High School  (0.3mi)
Enjoy Canada  (0.4mi)

Nearby Parks:

Exercise away - 59 parks are within 2km

Yaletown Park  (397ft)
Helmcken Park  (0.2mi)
Dog Area  (0.2mi)
Emery Barnes Park  (0.3mi)
Unnamed Park  (0.3mi)

Nearby transit options

A commuter's dream. Tons of transit stations! 24 are within 5km.

Vancouver City Centre Station  (0.3mi)
Yaletown-Roundhouse Station  (0.3mi)
Granville Station  (0.4mi)
Stadium - Chinatown Station  (0.4mi)
Stadium - Chinatown Station  (0.4mi)

24 transit stops are within 2km.



Full Screen Maps click for larger road maps, satellite imagery, and street view imagery where available

Other nearby places: