About this location...

Everything you wanted to know about 350 Queen Street West including:

  • Property boundary information for this property and its neighbours (very cool!)
  • nearby transit stations (52) and stops (337)
  • nearby schools (225) and parks (113)
  • other nearby addresses
  • and streetview imagery (if available)
We've also provided a ton of maps and even larger maps.

Nearby Schools

A scholar's delight - 225 schools are within 5km

Ogden Junior Public School  (256ft)
Connect School of Languages  (835ft)
Brainstation  (0.2mi)
Brant Street School  (0.3mi)
Oasis Alternative Secondary School  (0.3mi)

Nearby Parks:

Exercise away - 113 parks are within 2km

Unnamed Park  (571ft)
St. Patrick's Square  (0.3mi)
St. Andrew's Playground  (0.3mi)
Grange Park  (0.3mi)
Randy Padmore Park  (0.3mi)

Nearby transit options

A commuter's dream. Tons of transit stations! 52 are within 5km.

Osgoode Station  (0.5mi)
St. Patrick Station  (0.5mi)
St. Andrew Station  (0.5mi)
Unnamed station  (0.6mi)
Toronto Coach Terminal - Elizabeth Terminal Bus Station  (0.7mi)

52 transit stops are within 2km.


Other information

Secondary addresses:


Full Screen Maps click for larger road maps, satellite imagery, and street view imagery where available